Electric Vehicle Information Link Page 1

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The links below provide useful information about electric vehicles and people's experience with them.
Anyone considering the purchase of an electric vehicle should read this information beforehand.

Girl's EV needs a new expensive battery, but the news is even worse than the expensive battery READ STORY & WATCH VIDEO

A man buys a used Tesla and a week later the batteries fail. What does he do now? READ STORY & WATCH VIDEO

Mercedes EV owner is horrified by the cost to replace his failed 8 year old batteries READ STORY

Tesla owner shocked by $21,000 repair bill after driving in the rain. READ STORY

Car owner shocked by $20,000 price tag to replace hybrid battery READ STORY

Batteries for BMW i3 exceed the cost of Tesla batteries READ STORY

Hertz selling off EVs and going back to gas vehicles. READ STORY

The hassle of charging an electric vehicle. READ STORY & WATCH VIDEO

EV driver forced to stop 6 times to charge due to cold weather READ STORY

How well did the FORD F150 Lightning work during a family emergency? READ STORY

Why is it so hard to charge an EV on the road? READ STORY

Tesla is lying about the range of their EVs READ STORY

What is it really like to drive an EV? READ STORY

Woman accepts an EV rental when told her gas rental isn't ready. BIG MISTAKE READ STORY

I Rented a Tesla for a Week READ STORY

Man's stressful cross country EV trip READ STORY

Man Hates his EV truck READ STORY

Woman learns tough lesson when her EV encounters cold weather. READ STORY

Electrify America charger fries Ford F150 Lightning EV. Owner stuck 1000 miles from home READ STORY

Journalists Tow Camper Behind Electric Truck, End in Stunning Failure READ STORY & WATCH VIDEO

How are those new Tesla delivery trucks working out for Pepsi? READ STORY

What do EV manufacturers estimate battery life to be? READ STORY & WATCH VIDEO

Want an electric truck? Think again READ STORY

Volkswagen Confirms 8% Battery Capacity Degradation after 14 months and 16,000 miles. READ STORY & WATCH VIDEO

Cost of EV battery replacement READ STORY

EVs aren't selling very well READ STORY

Ford Lightning EV vs GMC Sierra READ STORY

CNBC takes a road trip in an EV READ STORY

Wall Street Journal reporter takes a road trip in an EV READ STORY & WATCH VIDEO

Driver Takes an Entire Day to drive 360 miles READ STORY & WATCH VIDEO

Tesla Bursts into Flames at Stoplight READ STORY & WATCH VIDEO

Electric bus catches fire and burns quickly WATCH VIDEO

Man has to cancel his Christmas plans because his Tesla won't charge in cold weather READ STORY

How Long Does It Take To Charge an Electric Vehicle? SEE CHART

EV Speed vs Range chart. SEE CHART

See More EV info on PAGE 2

EDITOR's NOTE: Some people buy EVs thinking they will save money by avoiding the gas station. That is true but it doesn't happen as soon as you think. It can be between 15 to 20 years before you save one penny depending on when the batteries fail. You don't begin to save until the amount you don't pay the gas station equals the amount you did pay for your EV and any battery replacements. Always remember, saving money is not about who gets your money. Its about how much leaves your bank account.